Thursday, April 30, 2009

100 Days

That was just a look back at how happy we all were the night Obama was elected. Everyone was ecstatic because we knew there was going to be change. I remember telling my son, "Son, this is the day that things have changed."

Okay, through the jokes, I don't know what Obama is doing. What is it with tripling our debt, blaming America first, TOTUS (Teleprompter of the United States), French President saying Obama is weak and meek, North Korea shooting off missiles, Chavez saying Obama is nothing more than an ignoramous. I thought he was going to talk to everyone and sing Kumbaya. Well, he hasn't talked his way into friendships with countries that don't like us, but he has in the process, alienated his own country. A friend said it best, yes a COLLEGE friend who goes to a liberal university: "With this economy, it'll be hard to feed my own family, but if we do what Obama wants, I'll have to feed 10 families." The point is that the people in a Democracy shouldn't feel powerless. But yet, that is exactly how I feel. The people tried to do something with the Tea Parties on Tax Day. On every station but the "ultra right wing" FoxNews, they were looked at to be "not very many black people and angry mean spirited republicans." The media can control a lot. Which is why I am glad that FoxNews kills everyone in ratings. Hopefully, people will turn on their brains, take off their blindfolds and realize what is going on. I'm sorry but I have to go, for writing this pisses me off. That is why I put up some videos to laugh at. South Park is amazing. Enough said. It may not be for everyone just because it may get you in trouble with your significant other. But in private, closed doors, or when they go to sleep and you get up and act like you have to use the restroom, you can sneak a peak at some hilarious clips. Enjoy them, and enjoy your life...cereal. Mmmm.

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