Friday, January 2, 2009

Top 5 Stereotypes of the Bush Administration and Future Legacy 2008-09

Starting with number 5 and working our way to number 1, here are the top stereotypes for the past Bush Administration as well as the future "legacy" of his term(s) in office...

5. Due to the recent press interview in Iraq, at future press interviews, any and all news reporters will be required to leave their shoes as well as pagers, cell phones, belts, and any other objects weighing over 4 lbs at the door to help prevent any future lashing out "from the sole" by news reporters.

4. At the time President Bush packs up his office, to the time President-elect Obama moves into the Oval Office, ANY AND ALL issues or failures in the US, as well as the rest of the world, will be George Bush's fault. Yes that means if an earthquake strikes in the middle of the Atlantic, there's no one to blame but G.W.

3. The words "success" and "war" are forbidden when using George Bush's name. However also the words "war" and "Obama" are forbidden as well. The left wing liberal will "bring home our troops from Iraq, without looking back" and any other future wars will be simply referred to as a "play on words." Guns, bombs, missiles, and planes will not be needed. It will simply be a battle of dialect.....may the best "speaker" win.

2. ANY success in the economy starting immediately after the President-elect takes office will be strictly due to Obama and his...."experience" in office. However if the stocks plummet, gas rises, or unemployment rises...don't forget who's to blame. No one but yours truly, Mr. Bush.

1. Last but not least, one of the most commonly used phrases of the teenage genre as well those who are in strong disagreement will be changed forever. The word(s) bull shit. That's right, the Websters will be rewritten and Wikepedia will have to edit its billions of inaccurately defined yet popularly used jargon. The term will no longer be used as bull shit, but bush shit. Bumper stickers, billboards, and Internet ads are soon to come of the popular fad that's about to overwhelm the country. Call my bluff and speak out against the new BS and you'll quickly find yourself sitting in federal prison with Michael Vick, Plexico Burris, and OJ Simpson! Think I'm bush shittin you? i think not
Happy New Year 2009

1 comment:

Chase said...

haha funny...but sad at the same time. its easier to blame one person, use them as a scapegoat. Look at Mangini this year, look past Favre's meltdown. Bartman with the Cubs, look past gonzo's botched DP. Bush, look past Dem. congress.