Readers Warning: Chase is feeling his hippy come out.
Today, if you haven't heard, is the Anti-tax tea party across the nation. Not only do I believe this will be a huge turnout, but I believe that Washington will not be able to ignore for much longer. Even if CNN or MSNBC don't choose to cover this groundbreaking event, I still think people will know about it. People will start to think. With the taxes rising, why not protest. Now, we may just be a bunch of hippies complaining, but when you look at how much debt our society has accumulated. How taxes have risen, and will continue to rise in order to give D.C. new cars, and green golf carts. Why not protest. As my father said, "It's great that the media has 24-hour coverage of 10 people protesting the war, but will not cover thousands upon thousands who are protesting taxes." Excuse me for paraphrasing, but it is something remarkable. The media has dubbed anyone who doesn't agree with Obama and his socialist agenda as "Right Wing Radicals" If this is a response to the Tea Party today, I'm not sure, but you know D.C. has heard about it. It's all over the internet. It isn't just about Obama, it's about all of Washington D.C. I'm not saying this is going to be a revolution, but look at some similarities I've come up with.
1. Americans were upset about taxes imposed by Great Britain that included printed goods and tea. Tobacco/Gas anyone?
2. The U.S. was tired of Great Britain telling local leaders how to govern America when they had no idea of the area. D.C. to Texas anyone?
3. Many Americans thought that the King and Parliament had become too powerful, and corrupt. Hmmmmm.
Now, I'm not saying that I want to "secede from the Union". All I am saying, is that I really do want to see change. Change that is good. Change that doesn't cost me more than it is helping me. Here is the plan. In short, my man Paul Ryan from Wisconsin on Hannity:
RYAN: Well, look, what we're proposing is we're going to give taxpayers a choice. You can have the current tax code with all of its loopholes, bells and whistles, or if you want a simplified system that fits on a postcard, two rates, 10 percent and 25 percent, it's progressive, generous and personal standard exemptions, but no other loopholes and exemptions you can have this simplified system. It fits on a postcard. We're giving the taxpayer the choice. Which system do they want? The one with all the loopholes and deductions or the simplified system with the lower tax rates?
HANNITY: The only way that this is politically viable is if Republicans get control of Congress. Look, I like this. The current system is too complicated, there's too many loopholes. You're keeping it really, really simple, 10 percent on joint filers with incomes of $100,000 25 percent on income beyond that. Alternative minimum tax eliminated. Eliminate taxation on capital gains and dividends. I think that would jump-start and put a jolt in the economy, economic growth, but the only way this is really going to happen is if you guys win in 2010, so there's a political component, and so you've got to educate people in the process.
I hope that my first amendment rights ensure that I don't go to jail for thinking freely. For what it's worth. Enjoy your tea today. Here's the video of the Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Good day. Celebrate your right to free speech.
Hippy Chase
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