Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama the Builder: Success

Reiterating some of what Rush Limbaugh (Now some of you may have been told about Rush, may have been asked not to listen to him, may have an idea that he is a crazy right wing nut, may have an unfavorable rumbling in your tummy when you hear his name. Let me ask you this: Have you ever listened to him? Have you ever heard what he has to say? Or have you just taken your opinion from another opinion? Taken tidbits out of context that the media has deliberately and strategically shown you, about what he is like. It's funny, the people who say they hate Rush are more than likely the people who have never listened to him. Ooooo I am right on, scary true huh?) has said in the past and will most likely continue to say in the future: If Obama becomes another Reagan, if he adds Reagan to his list of FDR and Lincoln, by lowering taxes to create jobs then yes, it would be great for him to succeed. But, if Obama raises taxes, and creates as many people as possible to be dependent on the government, then no we don't want him to succeed. Because socialism is not what is what's best for the country, and it wasn't how America was built, thus becoming the greatest country in the world. Now, I have been as guilty as anyone on saying that I want Obama to succeed. Without verifying how I want him to do so. I do not want a socialist country. I do not want to be dependent on the government. I do not want for people who do not pay taxes to receive a check from the government (This isn't welfare, mind you, it is just redistributing the wealth-Liberal 101). I do not want national healthcare, because once this happens, there is a consequence of The Slippery Slope Principle. For many of you who aren't familiar with this principle, here is an example: If I enable you to break the rules, then I will inevitably have to enable everyone else to break the rules. Once the private sector has been taken away from one national industry and make it government run, then another industry and another will soon follow. Let me ask you some things, do you think the government knows what is better for you than you do? Do you think the government knows how to spend your money better than you do yourself? Socialism has not worked EVER. I mean you've got Cuba, Russia, North Korea... some pretty great company there. Some freedom there. Some socialism there. Once this slippery slope happens, there will be a few things that happen in response. Quality goes down. What is the purpose if competition has been eliminated? Efficiency goes down. What is the point if you don't see an extra dime if you work your behind off? Prices go up. Why have low prices when there is no competition, when there is nobody to say otherwise what the price of something should be? So we are looking at lower quality, lessened quantity and higher prices. Sounds like a good combination to me. Now I'm not trying to sound intelligent or explain economics 101 to you, I'm just trying to put into perspective what we could be heading towards. There's a reason why Obama doesn't want you to Listen to Rush. There's a reason why he is trying to control you already. There's a reason why he wants you to be dependent on the government. Because Democrats measure their success on how many people are dependent upon the government. Do I want him to succeed with his current beliefs aimed toward socialism? No. Do I want him to succeed in the conventional conservative ways that has made America the greatest country in the world today? Yes. It's hard telling what President he will be, because us intelligent people look past his label as the historic, first black President of the USA. We look past colors, because it is never us who brings up race. We are able to look past all of this, because we care about policies. We care about his voting record. We care about what he does, not what he says, or how he says it. He is a President, like any other before him. He should be able to be criticized and questioned like any President before him. In fact, ask yourself: Who is Barack Obama? Tough question to answer, isn't it?

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