Monday, January 19, 2009

The Inauguration: No Recession Here

First off I would like to apologize for my lax effort lately here on this wonderful website. Now that the first week of classes is over, and our new President takes ahold the reigns, there will be plenty to talk about. Moving forward. Building on his campaign spending which was well over 600 million dollars (to CAMPAIGN!), our President Barack Obama feels that his time in the senate (143 days before announcing presidency, which at least 10 times he was late...TO HIS JOB!) earns him the chance to make history. Maybe, in the wrong way... the 170 million dollar inauguration. Yes Timmy, did you have a question. "Well it is just the government's money, it won't effect us." Oh Timmy, the government's money is OUR money. Even though America is approaching 11 Trillion dollars in debt, Obama feels we need to spend more. More for bailouts, more for parties. Now, let me ask you something. Say you're at the store with your father. You see something you REALLY like. But it's a little out of your price range. So you decide not to buy it. Your father notices and gives you the money to buy it, and you do. Isn't this a perfect example of the government? It's easier to spend other people's money than it is your own. So this Trillion Dollar Plan that OUR President is proposing, is just some more chump change to put on the pile. Which oddly brings about the question of "How do we get out of debt and help stimulate the economy?" Well, it seems to Obama: We just need to spend more. Because again, our government has borrowed money from other countries, including Communist China, to spend here in the USA. It's easier to spend other people's money. Enjoy the Inauguration ceremony people, I'm sure it'll be exciting, exhilarating, and well we already know its expensive. Just let us enjoy our President, because he is America's President. Even though we disagree with what he has done in the past as far as legislative purposes in the Senate go (wait, what HAS he done?). We must come together and support our President, while he is President (George Bush? Liberals? No?). On an honest note though, we all want him to succeed, Republicans, Democrats, Jackasses, I mean we do. For America, we hope to have a successful President. Not successful from the media's standpoint (Thanks Chris), but successful from our standpoint. And if Obama is the Abe Lincoln (A Republican) of today than great. But just being from Illinois, and following what Lincoln did in terms of actions (Bible, Train Ride, etc.) does not give him the right to compare himself to Lincoln. Now after he has been as AMAZING as everyone believes than okay, go for it. I guess I just don't understand the comparison. Maybe not because of their principles (Gitmo/Suspending Habeas Corpus) but because of the great things they have done or WILL do. On another note, Glenn Beck did make his debut yesterday on the Fox News Channel and had the opportunity to interview Sarah Palin on the show. Congrats to Glenn for having a very successful first show. And it was LIVE. Enjoy the ceremonies, the expectations are huge for our response to the Olympic Opening Ceremony in China...God Bless.

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